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Why You Should Immediately Choose Wisdom Trail Over Foolish Avenue

woman looking up on rugged trail
Wisdom Trail

There are always two roads in the Bible. You choose which you will take.

As poet Robert Frost said, “Two roads diverged in a wood…” and the choice as to which road to travel “made all the difference.”

I’m not talking here about the wide road that leads to destruction vs. the narrow way that leads into the Kingdom of God. I’m assuming that if you’re a Warrior Woman reading this, that choice has already been made. But what if…

  • There are two roads within God’s Kingdom?

  • You choose which one to walk?

  • You are rewarded for choosing one road over another?

Download today’s Truth Doodle Sheet to journal pondering about your walk.

The Roads Within the Kingdom

I’m looking at Ephesians 5:15-17, which is written to Believers. In other words, people who have already passed through that narrow gate into the realm of God’s rule.

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”

The Lord through Paul says, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,” laying before us two possibilities—two roads, if you will—on which to walk after you’re saved. And he says it is going to take some careful consideration as to which road you’re walking. If it were not our choice to make as to which path to walk, there would be no need for this admonishment. Choose carefully.

The Nature of the Roads

One choice is commended as wise. Therefore, I call this metaphorical road “Wisdom Trail.” It is more difficult than the other, requiring diligence and commitment. But it is where the treasures lie.

The alternative road is the path of least resistance. I call it "Foolish Avenue." An avenue is usually broad, accommodating many travelers, so, sadly, I think it is an appropriate name.

The Action on the Roads

Wisdom Trail doesn’t get you where you’re going any faster, but it is on this road that you will be able to send ahead treasures to your final destination. Here is where you collect gold, silver, precious jewels, where Foolish Avenue offers only wood, hay, and stubble.

On Wisdom Trail you redeem your time. You trade it in for something that will last far beyond this hard climb. You use your time wisely. On Wisdom Trail you understand what the will of the Lord is and walk clinging hard to it. Not God’s "little" will about choosing this thing or that thing, but His great will for all people for eternity—His Eternal Purpose.

Today’s Truth Doodle gives you a place to journal some ideas about what it will take to stay on Wisdom Trail.

Recognize there are two roads always ahead of you: Wisdom Trail or Foolish Avenue.

Choose Foolish Avenue and coast along letting life happen and gaining nothing to carry into eternity.

Choose Wisdom Trail and climb diligently and intentionally, gathering much treasure for eternity.

Choose Wisdom Trail! (By the way, the view is great!)

Love and wisdom to you!


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