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Satan Can Break Chains, Too

That's admittedly a click-bait title, meant to grab your attention and lead you to check out this blog post. Did it work?

I really love the song "Chainbreaker," by Zach Williams. If you've got chains, He's a chain breaker!" referring to Acts 12 and Acts 16, when Jesus Followers' chains were miraculously broken. Our sermon at church yesterday was from Luke 8, about the possessed man living in the tombs. I read verse 29 and saw this: "...he [the demon possessed man] was bound with chains and shackles and kept under guard, and yet he would break his bonds..." Oh wow, the enemy breaks chains, too! See what I mean? I'm not sure what direction our pastor's sermon went after that, but my mind started chugging along this path: What was the difference?

Here's what I think.

For the demon possessed man, the chains were meant to restrain his devilish impulse to harm himself and others. And, that not what the Law is for? So here was a demonic casting aside of any restraint, and what you see is its ultimate result - pure lawless savagery. What happened when Jesus cast out the demons and healed the man? He didn't need the chains anymore, because he was "clothed and in his right mind." This seems to me to be a picture of the new nature of the believer overcoming the Law, not because he can now break a law if he wants, but because he doesn't want to break the law anymore.

The chains that fell from the disciples' hands and feet in Acts were to keep them from fulfilling their God-ordained purpose, and the Lord would not let them stay in place.

Bottom line: Jesus overcame BOTH sets of chains.

Here is a book of fiction that I highly recommend called "Madman" by Tracy Groot. It's about this very story and speculates about how this man got into this pitiful condition. I'm about to re-read!

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